October 12, 2024

Medical Education Building, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV, 625 Shadow Lane, Las Vegas NV

Scheduled Topics Include:

People In My Life: Understanding Your Relationships


Common Threads: Celebrating a Life with Down Syndrome


Teens/adults with Down syndrome teach the next generation of PTs how to do exercise!


Securing Your Family's Future: Wills, Trusts, and Special Needs Planning


Whole Child Reading: Meet Their Need and They Will Read


Getting Adults to Exercise


Transition from Pediatric to Adult Health Providers (in English and Spanish)


College for All: Post-secondary Options for Unique Scholars


Dating Basics


DS Clinic To You, A Virtual Clinic for All Families


Assistive Technology: Unlocking Communication for Your Loved Ones


What kids with IEPs are entitled to, and are not entitled to, using FAPE and IDEA


Screening Tools for a Dual Diagnosis - DS + Autism


3-2-1 Go Exercise Program


A Primer on Puberty (for parents)


Steps To Help with Common Sleep Issues in Down Syndrome


Tome medidas para detener el acoso


Hot off the press! Study Research Results


Life Unscripted: Mastering Communication Skills Through Improv!


Preventing musculoskeletal/orthopedic concerns for individuals with DS


Can you hear me now? Audiology/hearing aids for people with DS


Take Steps to Stop Bullying


Desarrollo del IEP Para Satisfacer Las Necesidades de su Hijo


Hilarious Comedy/Improv, guest starring our own teens/adults with DS


People In My Life: Understanding Your Relationships >>> Common Threads: Celebrating a Life with Down Syndrome >>> Teens/adults with Down syndrome teach the next generation of PTs how to do exercise! >>> Securing Your Family's Future: Wills, Trusts, and Special Needs Planning >>> Whole Child Reading: Meet Their Need and They Will Read >>> Getting Adults to Exercise >>> Transition from Pediatric to Adult Health Providers (in English and Spanish) >>> College for All: Post-secondary Options for Unique Scholars >>> Dating Basics >>> DS Clinic To You, A Virtual Clinic for All Families >>> Assistive Technology: Unlocking Communication for Your Loved Ones >>> What kids with IEPs are entitled to, and are not entitled to, using FAPE and IDEA >>> Screening Tools for a Dual Diagnosis - DS + Autism >>> 3-2-1 Go Exercise Program >>> A Primer on Puberty (for parents) >>> Steps To Help with Common Sleep Issues in Down Syndrome >>> Tome medidas para detener el acoso >>> Hot off the press! Study Research Results >>> Life Unscripted: Mastering Communication Skills Through Improv! >>> Preventing musculoskeletal/orthopedic concerns for individuals with DS >>> Can you hear me now? Audiology/hearing aids for people with DS >>> Take Steps to Stop Bullying >>> Desarrollo del IEP Para Satisfacer Las Necesidades de su Hijo >>> Hilarious Comedy/Improv, guest starring our own teens/adults with DS >>>

  • Please note we are using a new ticket platform that allows you to donate card processing fees. If you wish to adjust the suggested amount, please take care to do it BEFORE you submit your payment.


Brian Skotko, MD

Dr. Skotko will open the general conference! Dr. Skotko's work is cited often during Down Syndrome Awareness Month, and he has a long resume that includes work at Massachusetts General Hospital and their Down Syndrome Clinic, as well as being an adjunct professor at Harvard University Medical School. Dr. Skotko will open the general conference with his presentation 'Celebrating Life With Down Syndrome'.

In a general conference breakout session, Dr. Skotko will present 'DSC2U: the Down Syndrome Clinic To You', a virtual health service that combines an individual's unique health data with up-to-date information and provides tailored recommendations to share with your primary care provider. You can ensure your individual has all the health bases covered! Dr. Skotko has an adult sibling with Down syndrome.

Terri Couwenhoven, MS CSE

Terri Couwenhoven teaches puberty, development and sexuality education for people with Down syndrome. She will open the conference for teens/adults with Down syndrome with an interactive workshop entitled 'People In My Life: Understanding Your Relationships'. This session categorizes people in our lives and the ways relationships can develop, based on those categories. Terri's breakout sessions will include 'Dating Basics' building on the opening session for teens/adults and 'Primer on Puberty' for general conference attendees. Parents of children of any age can benefit, as topics include everything from changing bodies to menstruation and how to assist individuals, even into adulthood, as physiological responses occur.

The Improvaneer Method

The Improvaneer Method will be heading to Las Vegas to help MC our conference! This improvisational theater group combines improv with techniques which help neurodiverse individuals plan speech and responses in public. Nick and Audrey are two adults with Down syndrome who are improv pros. They’ll entertain us during breaks, and lead a session teaching our teens and adult conference how to do improv. The Improvaneer Method is effective in helping people with Down syndrome become better communicators and alleviate anxiety about meeting new people. Nick and Audrey and The Improvaneer Method staff will close out our conference by performing with our individuals, showcasing what they've learned. The Improvaneer Method will be heading to Las Vegas to help MC our conference! This improvisational theater group combines improv with techniques which help neurodiverse individuals plan speech and responses in public.

  • Some of the skills that are developed :

    1. Eye contact

    2. Voice Projection

    3. Problem Solving

    4. Adaption to Change

    5. Listening

    6. Focus

    7. Quick Thinking

    8. Creative Thinking

    9. Character Development